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about Rebound Ministries, Inc.

Rebound Ministries Inc. is a mentor training program for at-risk youth. Our goal is to motivate and encourage young people to understand and believe that they can learn to rebound from the challenges and adversity they have faced in their lives and move forward to lead more productive lives of hope and purpose.  The Rebound Ministries, Inc. program does this by proactively investing in the lives of at-risk youth and personally mentoring, motivating, and encouraging them through a seven-week, faith-based curriculum.  Throughout the program, participants are taught valuable life skills as well as technical skills that increase their chances of being successful in the fast-paced and peer-pressured society in which we live.  Each week of the program focuses on one of Rebound’s seven core values and guiding principles: Resilience, Endurance, Boundaries, Obedience, Unity, Need, Deny

To complete the program, participants must complete a written assignment describing what they have learned from the Rebound program and how they plan to use what they have learned to better their life. Upon completion of all requirements, Rebound students attend a graduation ceremony and reception where they are presented a certificate of completion. At that time, they are also connected to valuable resources and services to assist them in their efforts to stay on track and become responsible and valued members of their communities.

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12: 1-2


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We encourage and motivate at-risk youth to recognize and develop their talents and abilities while equipping them with the critical life skills embedded in the core principals of R.E.B.O.U.N.D. Beginning with an emphasis on Resilience, meaning the ability to “bounce back” from adversity, our program stresses the importance of Endurance, Boundaries, Obedience, Unity, Need, and Deny.


We mentor young people at all stages of their life. While many of them are in the system, our program participants are challenged to focus on re-entering society in a productive manner, through a life changing process having been, “transformed by the renewing of the mind.” -Romans 12:2



We have seen firsthand that sports can teach a lifetime of lessons. Through mastering a particular skill, making a bad play, or losing or winning a game, these young people learn about resiliency in life, regrouping, and not giving up. Through various summer camps, we capitalize on using sports to teach empowering and vital life skills.

Get Involved

Sign Up For Rebound Summer Basketball Camp 2024

Register today for our 9th Annual Basketball Camp. Open to boys and girls, grades 6-12th, this camp is offered to the community for free!

Volunteer Opportunities

If you’re interested in coaching, mentoring, speaking or volunteering at one of our events, we’d love to have your support!

Make a Donation

No gift is too big or too small and all donations are 100% tax deductible. As a 501c-3 (Non-Profit) charitable organization, we rely on the financial support of individuals and businesses to continue our mission. Every donation makes a difference and is deeply appreciated. We know we cannot continue our mission and outreach to at-risk youth without your generous support.

Our Impact


years serving the community

Founded in 2010, Rebound Ministries Inc. actively serves many Texas Counties including Cooke, Collin, Dallas, Denton, Smith, and Tyler. In addition to Texas, we serve Parishes in New Orleans, Louisiana as well.



youth impacted

From our 7-week Rebound mentoring program to basketball camps, to after school programs, and guest speaking engagements for youth, young adults, and adults, we are making a difference.



young men Impacted

From juvenile detention centers to halfway house partnerships, to youth in public and private schools, we are “providing hope and a future”. -Jeremiah 29:11