What People are saying about Rebound Ministries, Inc.


I have been through the entire REBOUND class. This class has gotten me to think about my choices and decisions that I have made. There are two letters that I use in my daily life. R-Resilience, which means to bounce back and B-Boundaries, which means limits. I can use boundaries in my life because I have crossed personal and physical boundaries/limits. REBOUND has also taught me about how to recognize limits and how to abide by them. I can also use Resilience throughout my life, because no matter where I fall at or make a mistake, then I will always be able to bounce back and try again, but with something different. Thank you Mr. Harris. - 16-year old student from Gainesville State School, Gainesville, TX

“Rebound is about bouncing back from negativity because the situation we are in and the things we do and have done does not define who we are. It is just like getting a rebound in basketball, it can go two ways, you can get it or the other team can. So in other terms you have two routes to pick from the good one, or the bad one.” -Gainesville State Student

“Mr. Harris has taught me that in life a man has to be resilient, which means being able to bounce back from a bad situation. Also, I have learned to have endurance which means never giving up. Mr. Dwight has also taught me a verse from the Bible that I will never forget, which is ‘as a man speaketh so is he.’ What that means to me is that if I say and believe in my heart that I can change then I will make a change. I want to thank Mr. Dwight for coming out to give me hope and wisdom to change my life.” -Student at John R. Roach Juvenile Detention Center and Recipient of the First Annual Rebound “Bounce Back” Award in 2022.

“When is first started I had no intention to change, but now I do. The most important thing I learned in group is that I can always bounce back from a bad situation and start over. I learned about myself and I started to change because I realized that life is not worthless. The best times of my life are ahead of me, but its up to me to change.” -Gainesville State School Student

“Rebound is teaching me the characteristics of being a leader, speaking in public, and taking responsibility of my actions.” -Gainesville State School Student

When I first entered REBOUND, it started out rough for me. When I listened to Mr. Harris talk about how there were boundaries in life and when you step over your limit there are consequences. If I would have never gotten that, I would most likely be dead by now. I learned to accept the costly price that came from crossing that limit. It's better to know that I'm still breathing and standing on ten toes, even if I'm still in jail. I can always bounce back from the position that I'm in right now. It hasn't always been easy for me to understand the situation I'm in right now. I wouldn't have taken this place seriously if it wasn't for Mr. Harris to help me open my mind and senses, when I could be spending most of my time in the TYC. I could be doing something better in life. Now I got a juvenile record, but Mr. Harris taught me that it doesn't matter if I got a record, matter of fact, no matter how bad the situation is, no matter how bad I am, I can always take the time to change and to bounce back. Much Love and Respect, thank you, Mr. Harris. -16-year old student from Gainesville State School, Gainesville, TX

“Brother Harris had a very good grasp on what he discussed with us and was clear and concise about everything. I truly believe he is a blessing to me and many others. Thank God for Brother Harris and what he is doing.” -Gainesville State School Student

“This program has taught me multiple ways to become a successful, intelligent young man. I learned you have to walk away in some situations because actions can be costly in price and you might jeopardize your freedom or your life if you make the wrong mistake…I honestly think without this program I was going to lose faith but it made me realize life is not over and with God you can REBOUND from any situation.”-Student at Gainesville State School


Rebound Recommendations

“It has been a blessing and a pleasure getting to know Brother Dwight Harris. Brother Harris' seven week program named for the acronym R.E.B.O.U.N.D. is an inspiration and a motivating tool for all men. I found Brother Harris very knowledgeable in the Scriptures and he uses Scripture to help men understand the application of R.E.B.O.U.N.D. which stands for Resiliency, Endurance, Boundaries, Obedience, Unity, Need, and Deny. Each one of these words represent Biblical truths and principles. Brother Harris, helps men see how the application of these principles to one's life helps an individual achieve God's purposes for him. Brother Harris is an accomplished speaker and uses his God-given talents to reach and encourage men who need faith-builders and hope for a new life; a life of abundance and fulfillment according to God's Will and Way, forsaking their old way of life that leads to destruction. Every man who desires a positive change in their life will greatly benefit from R.E.B.O.U.N.D. and Brother Harris unique presentation and anointing. To be successful, we all need to know how to Rebound.” - Lee Hutchison, Trinity Restoration Ministries

“Many of our students lack a strong male role model and even more don’t appreciate how important their education is. [Mr. Harris] did a great job with both. Throughout the evening the boys were entirely focused on him and his message…Capturing their attention was only the first step, Mr. Harris’s message about honesty, self-respect, and the importance of challenging yourself to be a leader were exactly what our young men needed to hear.” -Joseph D. Walker Jr, Executive Director of Sellers Middle School

“I have had the pleasure of getting to know Dwight better and continue to be very impressed with his passion to help our youth and our community. Dwight has spent countless volunteer hours at the Gainesville State School as well as our local Boys and Girls club. Dwight has also initiated a very successful summer basketball camp in our community which, as I have witnessed, develops both basketball skills as well as the real and positive life lessons of Rebound ministries… I believe Dwight's message at rebound ministries plays perfectly into the physical, mental, and spiritual development of our youth. I look forward to hearing about the fruits of Dwight's labor".” -Former Mayor Jim Goldsworthy, City of Gainesville